Trapped in a room with a zombie - San Francisco

Trapped in a room with a zombie

San Francisco, United States

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You have 60 minutes to escape the room. There is 1 hungry zombie chained to the wall. Every 5 minutes a buzzer sounds & the chain is released another foot from

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Capacity: 2-12

Phone: 614-517-0527

660 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

Trapped in the circus - San Francisco

Trapped in the circus

San Francisco, United States

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You and up to 7 other circus-goers can take on the riddles, puzzles, and clues that are “Scholomo’s Spectacle”. Once the crowning jewel of J.W. Kite’s C

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Capacity: 2-8

Phone: 614-517-0527

660 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

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